Plasmatica Fantastica

[2022] 13’15”

Plasmática Fantástica is a sonic essay about our vibrational reality. It reconnects with our plasmatic past and other types of plasmatic existence in order to refuse the ossification of being, to refuse the ossification of time, and to shake away rigidity. This is a collection of words and sounds that takes us to a drift through sonic portals and messages to unlearn and shake off stuff that keeps us stiff. This is an invitation to find strategies to navigate vibrational maps imprinted in our flesh, sonic memories that exist in our bodies.

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The sounds that come together to give shape to this piece are part of sonic encounters, dialogues, explorations, and performances that took place in different locations in an extended and distributed, yet connected period of time. Part of the sounds come from electromagnetic activity while submerging inside of the Earth at CERN’s caves recorded with La PARACANTORA; a South Andean “collective flute” procession with the band la Chimuchina, and friends; a narrated remix of ideas out of conversations with cosmologists and theoretical physicists carried at CERN; a silent conversation about dark constellations, Andean cosmologies and rituals, and other secrets of the desert hidden through the filter of the Vilama River; textures and beats that tune our bodies into energetic activations while certain frequencies tune our brains into a timeless state of fluid intuition.

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Plasmática Fantástica was commissioned for Radio Amnion, curated by Jol Thoms  for the Full Moon transmission on Feb 15-17 2022.

Special thanks to: Daniel Figueroa, John Ellis, Monica Bello, Arts at CERN, Alan Bogana, Karenn Andrea Vera Tito, Juan Carmelo Ramírez Rodríguez, La Chimuchina, Juan Necochea, Francisca Gili, Ana Rosa Ibañez, Claudio Mercado, Corporación Chilena de Video, Bienal de Artes Mediales Santiago, Residencia Simetría, ALMA Observatory, Reserva Elemental Puri Beter.



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